Security First:

IT security software allows businesses to protect their computers and networks by preventing any potential unauthorized access to their systems. There are anonymous users that can only surf the public side of the site and then more specialized users such as customers, distributors, and administrators that can access protected areas for the purpose of carrying out their specific business activities Securly.

Data Encryption:

Although we can't disclose the format of encryption, we can tell you that it meets all requirements of NSA (National Security Administration) guidelines and requirements. To understand the inner workings of MLM strategy, you should contact people who are well versed in the language of MLM for that purpose. You needn't look anywhere else as the list includes all top MLM bloggers in the world.

User Name & Password:

Each customer and distributor within your organization will have their own unique identification and User Name for logging into the application. No two User Names can be alike and any member that forgets their User Name or password can quickly reset it with the click of a button and an email confirmation.

Auto Account Lock:

Auto Account Lock Settings will automatically lock a particular user's account if login is attempted too many times with an incorrect password.

SSL Encryption:

Each page within MarketPowerPRO can be set to require or not require SSL (Secure Socket Layer)encryption. By default, any page that has a username,password,credit card or social security number will be set to require SSL.