Revolving Matrix plan is also known as MLM Board plan is the most popular MLM plan for a limited number of members. Reason behind why Board MLM plan is more popular because it can be easily run between a few peoples that can be friends, collegues and even family members. To manage Board MLM Plan is more easy because it runs between limited number of members and payouts are also great.
In this plan there are few numbers of members, helping each other to grow. MLM company who run this plan sets number of members and time when number members exceeds the set limit, board splits into two sub boards and one member who performs best is prmoted to the higher level and this runs pearting every time when board reaches the maximum allowed members.
Board Plan MLM Software works on two legs concept, that means each level resticted with only two legs. In this plan member have to pay to joining fee that ensure get income from first day when you start your business. In starting you are provied with blank board with number of rows and columns, dimentions of this board might be vary. Member will get compensation to filing the columns which make some motivation and compition for members of you MLM plan to make some more profit.